Saturday, June 25, 2011

Chop Kick Panda Review

When I first heard of Chop Kick Panda right away I thought it was a pre-quell or in some way or form related to Kung Fu Panda (Po), his brother even? But it isn’t. Lu is the Panda in this short, forty one, minute film about a panda who is a janitor at his son’s school. Lu decides to teach his students and his son Tae Kwan Do, only he can’t perform the art form that well because of being rather over weight. Po and Lu are alike in that neither one really knows how to do the art form, but through determination and some throbbing hands (at least in Lu’s case), they learn to succeed in their art forms. Not to down Chop Kick Panda or the laughs that it can ignite in some viewers when characters fall over or have things fall upon them , but when you get down to the grit of it all, Kung Fu Panda had a humorous and memorable story line, likeable characters, and a good message. Chop Kick Panda however falls short when compared to such a successful film as Chop Kick Panda. After watching this film it made me wonder why a movie so close to another successful film was produced, at least the main character could have been changed that would have given it a more unique story line. Kick Pow Kangroo anyone?

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